Thursday, September 08, 2005

My Benny-Boo

Yesterday Benny was getting dressed as we were going to run some errands. He was talking about what kind of cool dude he was and how Mikey was cool, Livey was cool and Papa was cool. So, naturally, I asked "is Mama cool?". He clearly and quickly said "Nope... You're BEAUTIFUL!" Be still my beating heart. ::swoon::

He's so sweet and in about 4 days he's turning 5. My baby is turning 5. I can't believe how fast these years have gone. One moment I'm breastfeeding him and just amazed that I have these three little "babies". That's all they were, babies (all at once or so it seemed) and now I have this big boy who is learning phonics and calling his Mama "beautiful".

Today I got upset with Mikey because Olivia said that he hit her with his pirate sword. Well, what Olivia failed to tell me was that Mikey didn't hit her on PURPOSE, he did it on accident. I flipped. Dude, I fucking flipped. I had to walk away. Benny came up to me and hugged me and said "You're the best Mama" and I said "no, I'm not, Benny" and he said "Don't say that, Mama, you are the best. I love you." ::double swoon::

That's just his nature. I wish him to always be so sweet, sensitive and caring. I wish that his life is full of happy things that make him into the best person ever. I have no doubt that he would be anything less than the best. My baby Bennyboo is one awesome kid and we were definitely blessed with him in September 2000.


One little sheep said...

Read a few of your posts, funny stuff. As for the midlife crisis, I can relate-i'll be 30 in like 3 weeks. Tell me it gets better...

Secret Agent Mama said...

It gets better. Especially when you start tattooing, piercing, funky chunkin' your hair and doing heavy drugs or drinking massive amounts of hard core liquor. Ok, so a few of those I don't really do but it's fun to pretend and, in actuality, makes it all better. LOL

Two of my bestest friends are turning 30 this month, too. Be well and content in the fact that you are among some of the greatest soon-to-be-30-year-olds!

I've visited and bookmarked your blog and will frequent it!