Friday, September 09, 2005

No One Told Me

No one told me that it was going to be so hard to be a mother.
No one told me that there were going to be days that I wished I wasn't.
No one told me that I'd have to pick my battles with my children.
No one told me that I'd laugh until my sides hurt.
No one told me that these creatures were going to be so demanding and yet so unconditionally loving.
No one told me that there would be many days that my adequacy as a mother would be in question.
No one told me that there would be days that I'd lock myself in the bathroom to escape.
No one told me that I'd be a short order cook much less that I'd learn to actually cook.
No one told me that laundry could pile up so much that it would take a mid-size bulldozer to get it out of the way.
No one told me anything; not one itty bitty thing!
There are some things I've had to learn, feelings I've gone through, fears I've had and continue to have, headaches that pound, mistakes that are made, victories that are won, you name it -it goes on and on...
Motherhood is hard and no one told me that I'd question if I was good at it, daily.

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