Sunday, January 01, 2006

I Resolve...

I've been giving generous thought to my 2006 Resolutions and here they are.

Pertaining to Health:

1) I resolve to eat appropriate portion sizes.
2) I resolve to not obsess about my food b/c I resolve to make good food choices.
3) I resolve to walk 5 times a week (1-2 miles/day, both indoor via WATP or outdoor) and I resolve to keep on kicking in Karate.
4) I resolve to get back to a Yogic way of life.
5) I resolve to be happy with my body, no matter what size and shape it is; just as long as I'm HEALTHY!

Pertaining to Business:

1) I resolve to get more Avon catalogs out to customers.
2) I resolve to just keep going and make this work!

Pertaining to the Children and Michael:

1) I resolve to yell less or not yell at all.
2) I resolve to play more.
3) I resolve to get them outside more.
4) I resolve to be more organized with our home school (this is a hard one b/c we go at our own pace and do what we can, when we can).
5) I resolve to keep expanding my cooking skills.

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